Flyers and branded brochures

Lynk & Co Milan Club Flyers

The flyers were created to invite people to share and rent the Lynk & Co car in Milan, Italy. The flyers are accompanied by social media posts.

Europol and the US Drug Enforcement Agency's joint report, with illustrations to help explain the complex and difficult-to-understand information.

Europol Report

Say No To Dowry

Campaign created for the non-governmental organisation HEEALS that is fighting for women's and children rights in New Delhi, India.

YouCould GmbH

Twitter post created for the newly established brand to invite users sign up for the launching campaign.

Printed stickers for the summer festival. The aim of the stickers was to raise brand awareness among the target group.

Online blog banner

Website mockup

Freestyle work

Book covers - 1Q84

The Haruki Murakami book cover sessions were born out of my passion for books and reading. The concept of the 1Q84 book cover arose from the sensation of the collapsing world that the story evokes as you read it.

The Wild Sheep Chase book cover originated from the mystical and surreal sensations of the narrative. The wide dark bottom part symbolises the emptiness and soul search of the main character.

Book covers - A Wild Sheep Chase


The illustration was created as a gift card for various occasions with comforting words.